Wednesday 18 January 2017

Reflection: Day 2

As before, some preliminary notes (PNI) to structure my thinking:

P – Curation of a professional profile (in the context of multiple digital identities). ADA WiFi is Mac-friendly now :) ADDIE design in terms of our personal projects helped clarify considerations and practicalities of what we plan to do and how.

N – Networking do's and dont's – especially when it comes to open digital scholarship – needs deeper exploration. How does what we share influence the ownership/novelty/value of our scholarly work? (Dissertations/articles in terms of University requirements and journals?)

I – Creating digital content and the services available to us at our institutions.


Content Reflection: Day 2 class work focused on design based thinking in terms of our projects. Working on our planning using the ADDIE framework helped make my personal project (#EngCS in 2017) seem more achievable. Guest speakers reminded us of the importance of clear, focussed and deliberate work in different aspects of our output.

Process Reflection: Caring about my group members' projects, as well as my own, allowed for constructive contribution to each other's planning. I would not have thought of everything on my own, and I believe my project only gained from the exercise.

Critical Reflection: The way in which we present ourselves, and react to each other (even subconsciously) sends out strong messages to the people around us. Try to apply the same development and curating principles for our "digital personas" to our "real-world" [inter]actions.

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